Cookeville, TENN. — Evan Rafanello, Paul Glintenkamp, Bill Eveleth and Drew John with Aphena Pharma Solutions will be on hand to discuss your pharmaceutical, medical device and OTC contracting needs at booth 132 of the 18th Annual Contract Pharma Contracting and Outsourcing Conference, set for Sept. 26-27 at the Hyatt Regency in New Brunswick, N.J.
"This will be a great opportunity to meet our pharma business development associates to find out what is new at Aphena and to learn about the variety of packaging formats and options Aphena provides as a full-service supply partner to our customers," said Eric Allen, executive vice president of sales and marketing at Aphena.
The two-day Contract Pharma conference provides the perfect venue for easy, informal discussions about manufacturing, packaging, laboratory services and more. The conference includes a one-day tabletop exhibition will be held on Thursday, Sept. 26, with an additional half day of sessions held on Friday, Sept. 27.
If you would like to arrange a dedicated time with the Aphena team during the conference to discuss your pharmaceutical manufacturing and packaging needs, reach out to your Aphena representative before the show or email pglintenkamp@aphenapharma.com or call 1-866-465-4506.
Aphena Pharma Solutions is an industry-leading organization providing turnkey contract packaging and manufacturing solutions for the pharmaceutical, OTC and medical device markets. With two separate FDA-registered and DEA-licensed U.S. facilities, Aphena handles solid dose, liquids, gels, creams, ointments, foams, suspensions and lotions.
For more information about Aphena, visit www.AphenaPharma.com or call 1-866-465-4506.